Monday, July 16, 2007

Faces painted...

There was an outreach event at our church this last weekend. I painted faces and while I can't do SpongeBob - I can come up with some really cool looking princess stuff. Bindhi's are my favorite things to paint. None of them look alike.

This last weekend, I tried something on myself that I saw on the internet...

Hopefully, it comes through. The Professor couldn't get a good shot of it. It's a dolphin I painted on my own leg. It was fun to do it - and it looked so good. I had several requests for it. I'm going to have to figure out the trick to getting face paint to go on smoothly. There's a trick, I just haven't found it.

But when I got home, I got to do some fun stuff with my two favorite test subjects.

A Gecko For G

And Tulips for Mini-Me.

Of course, I look at them and think: I should have added this - or that - but it's fun to play around with....each face is different. The funny thing that I've noticed about face painting, especially when looking for patterns, I've noticed more tattoos than ever before. I find myself thinking, how would that transfer through paint??


Melanie said...

wow.. your talent is unlimited! Writing, Music, Art... You're just the coolest!

Melanie said...

You are quite talented! Those look great.

KarenW said...

Those are really good! Face painting seems to have gotten more intricate. Seems like it used to be some balloons or a simple butterfly. Great job!

Halfmoon Girl said...

those are awesome- the ghecko was my fave!

Halfmoon Girl said...

those are awesome- the ghecko was my fave!

jugglingpaynes said...

I once copied a bulldog tattoo onto a little boy for his father. His father liked it so much he asked me to touch up his tattoo! (It had faded over the years.)
You did an awesome job! Take another lesson from me. If you ever facepaint at an event and someone asks,"Can you do this character or that," just say no, unless you want to spend your day doing one design!
Re your comment: No! Not yet! I considered starting her labor this week, but I think I'm going to hold off a little longer. (I am purposely drawing her belly bigger, though.)
Peace and Laughter,

The Family Jewels said...

Those look great. Somehow I missed stopping by in the last couple of days, so I am commenting on the last few. I love the tape creations! I have several back seat drivers, so I can sympathize.

Jenn4Him said...

I think you may have a new career ahead of you at kid's events! Great job. Oh, I also want to say that I love your new header. Very nice.

Dapoppins said...

I have some face paint I bought awhile ago. I'd use it on my kids but I am not sure how to wash it off. However, I bet you know!

Anonymous said...

Great job! Chicken Little won't wear face paint...

trespassers william said...

I am quite glad that you can't do Sponge Bob. I think that cartton is garbage anyways and it looks like you did very well anyways. By the way, tommorrow, July 22nd is DaPoppin's birthday. Stop by and wish her a happy one if you can.

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog today. I have been visiting here and I have to say it has been quite a lovely time.

I think G's creations are wonderful. He seems to get his artistic flair from his mama.

Your face painting is so pretty. I can see why they asked you ... as opposed to me.

I love the name of your blog, and I love the cute laundry basket pic at the bottom. You have a lovely place here ;)

Praise and Coffee said...

Very cool! If I tried that it would look like a brown pond!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I think we have lots in common as I read your profile.
God bless,