He wanted easy. He wanted a cake any boy would love.
He wanted blue.
He wanted superman.
I can do that.
In retrospect, I laugh at my confidence.
The night before, my brother (Uncle Kick-butt) and I went shopping. I found drumsticks and a mini-flashlight, and my brother bought him a game for the wii. He wanted to buy THE. Perfect. Gift. It couldn't be second best. It couldn't be just liked. It had to be, hands down, The. Best. (it was.)
While out and about, I picked up supplies to make the blue, superman cake. I made up the cake. I prepped a platter for a great presentation....and I turned the cake upside down...and well...
While out and about, I picked up supplies to make the blue, superman cake. I made up the cake. I prepped a platter for a great presentation....and I turned the cake upside down...and well...
It wasn't pretty.
I wanted to cry.
I almost did.
I called the professor and told him that I was going to go to the store and just BUY one.
Then I came to my senses and decided I didn't want to load up 4 kids on a hot day - just to run to the store - on a very busy day - when they needed naps..
and yes, that's the way my brain works.
So I made another one.
Attempt #2 did not fall apart on impact.
Then I decorated it...and well, I can be a perfectionist.
I didn't really like it - but it tasted good. The kids liked it... I guess that's all that mattered. It does look good for icing out of a can.
He also only had a few requests for his birthday and he got them. He wanted spy stuff.
He got some. (we spent a very long time playing with them, too.) and He wanted a wii-remote (or wii-mote for those of us that are easily amused). He got one from Grandma.
All in all - he had a great birthday.
And he's having a blast being 8.
At least your still making cakes for your kids. I gave that up a long time ago when the last cake I made the boys asked me what it was supposed to be. :)
I now just buy ice cream cakes and stick things on top. The SuperMan cake looked great!!!!
Sounds like a good birthday. My Mum made me a cake like that one once. The first one. She did not make a second. She glued it together with frosting. She called it a puzzle cake. I am glad to report it did not become a tradition.
I think that is an awesome Superman cake! I have had those horrible cake crumbling moments! I can't use a cake mix to save my life and always have much better luck with home made when it comes to cutting and decorating. Good job.
I missed you!!
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