Thursday, March 20, 2008

Conversation with a cell phone..

Cell Phone: (CP) Excuse me, my memory is full.

Me: How can that be? I haven't texted my brother THAT much.

CP: Excuse me, my memory is full and it's making me cranky.

Me: Seriously, how can that be? (deletes ALL texts messages.)

CP: Excuse me, my memory is STILL full. Please fix it or I'll keep blinking at you. Because I can.

Me: Are you brain damaged? Did I drop you one too many times. (Yes, all messages are deleted.)

CP: Excuse me, my memory is full. I'm sure, if you don't fix this, I'll forget something just for spite.

Me: Maybe it's the pictures. I may have taken a FEW pictures....

CP: Excuse me.....

Me: The picture screen says I have 67 pictures saved. WHAT?? HOW CAN THAT BE?? There's nothing here.

CP: Excuse me.....

Me: pushes buttons - yes those are black squares -- they're pictures?? Oh. Those are pictures of the inside of my pockets. *Lol* It's dark in there. *deletes pictures of inside of pockets one. at. a. time.*

CP: That's getting better.

Me: Wait. What's this?? *Turns phone sideways* I don't think I took pictures of buildings. Oh, I see. Those are from when mini-E had the phone. There's her cute little upside down head, too. caught in the act. There's at least 12 pictures here.

CP: Keep her away from me.

Me: I'll do my best. You'll be safe in my pocket.


Christa said...

That's funny! :)

Peculiar Blogs said...

ROFL!!!! I sooo relate!

Halfmoon Girl said...

I am so useless with my cell phone. I can't text and find it hard enough remembering to take it with me or to keep it charged. Hubby always has to remind me. Cute conversation in this post!

Debbie said...

Wouldn't it be great if those things came with a child sensor that would keep the phone from functioning until it was safe again?

Amy in TX said...

Too funny!! What a cute little post. Don't make your cell phone cranky! LOL

Melanie said...

Now that you've talked some sense into your cell phone, could you have it talk to mine. Mine feels the need to constantly remind me of how full my memory is when I try to do anything. This is fine when it is at 95% full. I even appreciate this information. But when the phone starts telling me, in a very threatening way, I might add, that it's memory is 75% full... well, I just call that nagging!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is hilarious. I have never had that happen to me.

But ... I have gotten phone calls from phones that the owner obviously has not clue he/she has accidently dialed. I have heard full conversations. Once I heard a teacher teaching her class. I thind that is pretty funny too.

Have a great week!!

TobyBo said...

LOL. No cell phone here but now I am warned for when it comes. Pictures of the inside of your pocket, though? Wouldn't that show forks?

Anonymous said...
