I'm not sure if this is good or not:
They're not too far from Strawberry Shortcake...maybe they're after her recipes. I've heard they're 'berry' good.
I'm rather wondering, if a plastic bear attacks you, how would you fight them off? Then I remember, I've got Jman and his plastic bottles. :-)
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you are fantastic!!!
really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
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LOL! I love it. It does look like a military operation. Beware...
That is hilarious! Reminds me of when, after the kids' baths, I'll see the strangest collection of toys (including a few Barbies) drying off in the sink.
That's hilarious!
That's too funny! We usually have legos or Star Wars guys ready for attack around our house. Nothing so colorful!!! That was a good laugh.
i did homeschooling w/ my boys for a brief time and oh how those bears look so sweetly familiar! at least they look happy in their attack mode!
OK, now, they are in spectral order, which is good, but it is reversed, which is bad.
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