For several reasons. One, The Professor didn't have to shoot a dog. and Two, It gave my heart time to rest.
When we drove to pick Sprout up, I had to pull into a Sonic to cry. I ordered a drink so they didn't look at me funny and so as not to freak out the kids. They're used to Sonic. They're not so used to seeing me cry for no apparent reason. (outside of church, I guess I should say.)
I began the search for an understanding of dog breeds. I finally narrowed my choices down to Havanese, Shih-Tzus and maltese. Havanese are still rare enough to not be in the rescue centers.
I found one for sale by name of Bounty....but he cost $350.
I was tempted -because I was totally tickled by his name.
The Professor, who's allergic and is only getting a dog because he loves us, was put off by the price.
I checked the online "for sale" site. Found a few that were emergency adoptions and one possibility. But he shed.
So I took my list of possible dog breeds, and surfed an online adopt-a-pet site. I was able to narrow my search to my zip code and the breed I wanted was "Small" - and began the search.
I searched through many pages of cute and adorable dogs - but making sure I hunted for the non-shedding variety.
I suddenly found the listing for "Gizmo". A 9-month old Shih-Tzu mix. He's been through obedience training and he was CUTE!! We had considered changing Shaggy's name to Gizmo before we decided he really was a shaggy, so I was curious.
I began talking to the lady running the rescue via e-mail. I sent her an e-mail on Saturday night and she responded on Sunday.
The training Gizmo had been through was called "Parole-a-pet". He'd been taught to come and answer his name, and some other basics like that at a local prison.
He's cute.
He's been trained.
He's cute.
He's got a great name.
So I asked what we needed to do to adopt him. We needed a fenced back yard and the referral from our vet.
I told the kids that we had found a possible dog...but we were waiting to see what happened with it. Mini-Me was not thrilled with his name.
But that was the only detractor she came up with.
So I gave the lady Dr. B's name and we waited.
We had G-man's 9th birthday party on Monday and that night I got the e-mail that told us that we could have him.
We went to pick him up on Tuesday.
And curling up in Shaggy's old bed (That he never used except to wrestle with).
He's gentle - but he's showing spurts of energy. He LOVES tug-of-war and he'll chase a few tennis balls and when he's done he just stops.
We don't think he likes the heat because he doesn't play much outside.
He still doesn't have his appetite back for dog food - he is trying to steal food off the kids plates, though.
He ran out of the door this morning, but didn't run far and came when we called him.
He's a good dog.
I think he's a good fit - even if he's still not adjusted yet.
They don't know about his daddy but his mom was a full shih-tzu.
He's taller than Shaggy was - but still manages to get out of the doggy door.
We've had to close the cat up in the bedroom for now because she scratches and that makes him bark.
It's been a crazy week...tomorrow will be his one week anniversary with us. He meets Dr. B tomorrow, too.
thanks for meeting Gizmo.
I'll keep you posted.
Hoping Maggie adjusts as well! :o)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Is he part beagle too? He reminds me of a friend's beagle.
And please give Maggie some extra attention for the cat lover in NY. :o)
Peace and Laughter,
What a cutie! Hope it all works out...the cat will adjust or learn to stay high! LOL
Wow, he made it a week! So far, so good. Cute face. I hope your Maggie adjusts well. My Maggie sends her kitty love and sympathy across the miles ;)
welcome to Gizmo!
Gizmo's cute and healthy looking.
Sorry to hear about your probs with Sprout. He was a gorgeous looking dog but that biting prob was too much.
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