I managed to pick out 1 assassin bot and then some creepy looking action figures from another set that looked very capable for the bad guy role needed.
My goodness!! They got to work right away! They wasted no time in capturing some Clone Soldiers and immediately began questioning them about troop movements and plans.
The CIA reportedly has w*terbo*rding (don't want that creepy search here), Darth Vader has that mystery Drug and the creepy robot, Veggie Tales has the Island of Perpetual tickling. They are NOTHING. NOTHING I tell you compared to the atrocities these foes have put our stalwart Republic Clone troopers through.
These are now molten hot rocks -- and if the Republic soldiers don't answer the questions... they will suffer.
They refused. And the enemy did what he said he would do...
Of course, we know that the enemy would have dropped the molten rocks - no matter what... but alas.. our troops have suffered a great blow. But this will not hurt morale - it will bolster the men! They will fight on! They must!! Or their comrades have died in vain.
but first - it's lunch time.
HA! That'll teach 'em!
The popularity of the bad guys in the stores seems to show that little boys across the world have already got a healthy dose of testosterone flowing. It's the same in our place. It must be as John Eldredge wrote in his book, they're designed to be warriors and heroes.
oh, no, not the molten rocks. What next, the comfy chair?
and hope Mini-You's hematomato is better by now. I love the way you summed up the eye-lock thing. DH and I did that last night when Mr Music complained of sharp pains right where his appendix is. But an extra cheesy tortilla fixed it. ~ Whew. ~
Cackle. No bad guys abiding here. Just Little People and the tatty headed beauty queens otherwise known as Barbies. :o)
Ok, that is just so creative. I love it!
Death by Connect Four, huh? Not such a bad way to go, methinks. But with this new threat, I may give some new consideration to the Dark Side of the Force....
I bet it was you playing with them all along, and not your kids...you sounded like you had too much knowledge of the whole operation! hmmm.
ROFL! I love that story! I think I'd have to make our own book of it.
Especially the ending with the lunch....
Thank you my friend
hehe. We now have to get at least one bad guy...how can there be true drama with only good guys?
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