Then, one day, I remembered something somebody praying over me. The word came forth that, somehow, I'd gotten an idea in my head of how I thought the kids should behave, act, whatever.
So -- when that memory came back to me the other day, peace followed.
On a random trip to w*l-m*art, on our way out, I started looking at the uniqueness of my kids.
Mini-me dressed up for her day.
Mini-E dressed up like a 'pincess' for her day.
It's a wrap around skirt from a dress up kit.
What you can't see under the jacket, is the sleeve lace that was on her arm.
It's a wrap around skirt from a dress up kit.
J-man, the wookie, had too much fun being incognito.
Seriously, TOO much fun.
You can tell it -- but he's giggling.
Seriously, TOO much fun.
You can tell it -- but he's giggling.
And G-man, the superspy, likes using the rarely used 5th door of our van.
In his camo, he practices his spy moves by going over the back of the seat.
In his camo, he practices his spy moves by going over the back of the seat.
So, in order to break the imaginary molds I some how created, we've got to embrace the uniqueness of the individual.
Of course, being a quirky mom helps - but I've got to remember to embrace my uniqueness, too.
It's made me wonder what this might do to our schooling... I wonder how many more books will I end up owning.
Then I realize, I don't care.
I love books.
Of course, being a quirky mom helps - but I've got to remember to embrace my uniqueness, too.
It's made me wonder what this might do to our schooling... I wonder how many more books will I end up owning.
Then I realize, I don't care.
I love books.
Makes me think of the hiking trips we've had with Sierra in her party dress and fancy shoes. :o)
I'm glad you're embracing your family's uniqueness. Recognizing that you and your kids are special is the first step.
Laughing about it is the second step.
Peace and Laughter! And I send you hugs too!
Oops! I was on my son's account! That's me up there. :o)
Hubby is planning to build a new computer for me soon. That will help avoid these mix-ups!
So, your kids do the super spy too? My kids love that kinda stuff...
I'm forever in the process of "seeing with new eyes"! LOL!
A little change of perspective does help. Thanks for the reminder!
It always amazes me how children from the same family can be so different from one another. We have our 7 blessings and each is so wonderfully unique. We have no matches at all. It keeps me on my toes but our home is wonderfully "un-boring." I think it is so important to embrace the uniqueness of your family and then of each and every person in it. What a great reminder post. :-)
Have a blessed week!
yes, well, of course we have quirky kids. We are their mothers! I like quirky- it is harmless and amusing, and doesn't hurt anyone.
This shows what an epic adventure it must be when you guys all go out to the shops. I can see by the photos how much they've all been growing. What characters.
BTW don't worry about the late birthday wishes. I know how the weeks blend into each other very quickly. I think late ones are pretty special anyway, when surprises are unexpected.
are you sure she didn't borrow that sequine skirt from your closet? ;o) unique kids are the most fun...i'm convinced.
The opposite of quirky is boring. Who wants to be boring?
This post makes me smile.
You make me smile.
Viva quirkiness.
Awww.....enjoy this while you can. Looking at your daughters reminded me of mine and how she went through both types of dress. From princess to conservative. (my favorite) teehehee
I laughed when I saw your comment about my song as the song I posted to go along with that particular post was Bryan Adam's Summer of '69. I was thinking that you were quite the rocker to be so desparate for that one! I don't know anything about the song you asked about except that it is by the Tractors and is just called The Wheels on the Bus, of course. I thought it was a fun version. Not surprised that you liked it too:)
I'm so glad I am not the only mom who lets their children express their uniqueness through their clothes. Even with the boys going to public school I just let them be. For the longest time I had to take Batman with me everywhere even to the grocery store. At least it made everyone smile. I love it!!! You have the best family!
Had to come thank you for making me laugh with your amusing comment!
It's amazing how much fun those little imaginations can come up with. We just have to remember to encourage it, rather than squash it!
:) Not-So-Classic doesn't evan let me near a book store anymore. :)
Sorry I've been so absent lately.
Great perspective. I recently embraced my son's crazy jump off of everything, run around all day behavior. And I am a happier mom for it.
Glad I found your page through Livin' With Me.
I just read your comment- you are too funny lol! Hey, I thought of you the other day as I learned that we do something here in Canada that you don't do in the US- we wear poppies a few weeks before Remembrance Day (Nov 11). It mainly stems from a poem written by a Canadian- It is calle In Flanders Field- it is haunting. I just always presumed that Americans wore poppies too.
Finding the uniqueness of kids is something I have to do, often. I struggle between allowing them to express themselves, and finding the right words to let them know what is socially appropriate for their age. I think we alll ride that line, and it appears you do it well. :)
By the way, I can never own enough books. Neither can my kids. No matter how many we have, we still use the library, if you can imagine that. :)
I have only recently recognized that the God-given uniqueness of each my kids was intended to mold and sanctify me in some special way. To give you some idea of what we are dealing with here, I am parenting (and being shaped by) Sarge (9), The Brain (7), Miss Personality (5), The Linebacker Starter Kit (3), The Big Hurt (22 mos.), and Princess (2 wks). Each with their distinct purposes for conforming me to the image of Christ. Quirky indeed....
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