It started off EARLY. The little ones were up and going at each other bright and early.
We kissed The Professor goodbye. We had breakfast.
Then my plans started to unravel, like a badly knit sweater. My former pastor told me, that fateful year I was VBS director, that we should just plan for the first day to run late.
I think it applies to the first day of homeschooling, too.
The endeared themselves in little ways.
They rearranged their school boxes.
I gave the little kids some play doh. The carnage from the aliens was so severe, that I couldn't subject you to the pictures. They had fun. So much fun, the big kids wanted to quit school to play with the play-doh.
We're going to study cultures and countries. One thing each big kid needed was a pretend passport. The Professor said he'd handle those, but I needed to take their pictures. My eldest son put on a tie.
We already made a change to our curriculum. I was going to use "A Reason for Handwriting: Transition" - but there's not much transition to it, and G was bit overwhelmed at the thought of it. So we got out ABeka's 2 grade writing, and looked it over. It really is transitional. So we switched.
We may have to switch science, too. The first few topics that we have covered with My Father's World, are really over his head. Frankly, they're presented in a jumbled manner. I'm looking at "Considering God's Creation" again. I had it on the shelf (because) and I think I'll buy another student text and go from there.
My first thought with science, I want it to be fun and not all text books. So we'll have to see what fits best.
That was our first day of school.
And a teensy glimpse into the second day.
I'm hoping that it's all going to fall into place starting tomorrow.
With all we have going on here, we made the decision not to hs the two middle ones that we'd been praying about since March. I'm so sad, reading this post and seeing all the pretty markers and pencils. I know it's the right thing for us for now, but I will be sad when they all troop out the door on climb the shiny yellow bus next month!
I let Scarlett pick when she wanted to start this year. She picked "the week before school actually starts" to start. ;)
First day? Already? I've barely had my summer break!
What if I just set them free in a museum and call it a day? :o)
Peace and Laughter!
We used some units from Considering God's Creation- with lots of Usbourne books to provide more color. I say go for walks and field trips with nature journals.
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