Thursday, June 4, 2009

in which we say goodbye....

Today we had to say good bye to Shaggy.

His pain had gotten so great in his legs that he was miserable.
He wasn't sleeping and often spent the last few days and nights alternatingly crying and squirming and scratching and chewing on whatever it was that was hurting.

I talked to Dr. B. about any other options that we had for him. We were quite possibly looking at surgery on his legs and surgery on his spine -- but definitely no guarantees. If nerve issues were the cause of his pain, the surgeries were not going to help.

We didn't want him to suffer just so we can have Shaggy and he'd already suffered much.

So today, we said good bye to Shaggy.
We will always love him.

At the same time that we will mourn his loss, the kids are asking when "will we get another dog?". They are very resilient. I am very glad for that fact.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Awww, RIP Shaggy. You were well loved and will be missed. I'm so sorry for your loss, Laundry Gang.

Katidids said...

Hugs Momma, they become like our children!

jugglingpaynes said...

Awww, Comfy, I'm so sorry. Children are resilient, but caring moms are not. I send you lots of hugs. I know how hard it is.

In Peace and Friendship,

Paula Vince said...

I'm really to sorry to hear this. I understand it's heart-wrenching to farewell someone so vulnerable and gorgeous.
Look after yourselves.
And when they ask the question about the new dog, what do you tell them?
PS A letter from Emma will be on the way tomorrow.

Holly said...

I'm so sorry, Amelia. Hugs to you and your family. It's been 2 yrs since our beloved Samson died and it still hurts at times. They really do become a part of the family. Love, Holly

The Old Gray Mare said...

So sorry. I know you will miss him.

Poopsie said...

Oh, COmfy, I wqish I could come give you a hug. It is so hard to say 'goodbye', and it is even more difficult when we have to make the decision. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Cindy P

TobyBo said...

I am sorry. We just got our first canine friend about 6 weeks ago, and already, it would be sad.

Sandy said...

Ooooh, that is very, very sad ... We will be a very sad family when that day happens for us :(

Mother Mayhem said...


Kelli said...

Praying for you guys!!! hugs to all the laundry pile gang...especially "Bubbles".