Sunday, October 17, 2010


I had this song in my heart when I woke up this morning...

The line that kept repeating was "I am captivated by you ...."

When I hear a song come to me this way, I know God's talking to me. 

Laying  in the covers I thought, I am captivated. But really -- I knew that He was singing to me. It was a little difficult to accept.

I know where my faults lie.
I know my selfishness.
I know my sin.

Yet He's telling me, "I am captivated by you."

It's hard to think that He's looking past the sin, selfishness and faults to find the good.
He's looking at the personality. The heart for worship. He knows that I find it difficult to understand that He is pleased with me - and yet He tells me so. When He talks He speaks my language so why is it so difficult to receive His pleasure.

I get too focused on the bad stuff that I know of....and He sees my heart. He sees the blood shed for me. So really - He sees Jesus. 

So I hear Him sing to me and can do nothing else but turn it around in worship.



CrossView said...

Thank you for this! Beautiful...

Katie said...

Oh my gosh! Coming back to your blog reminded me of the forks!!! And Howard!! Gosh I miss you, those were good times :)