Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Gem in our Day

I'd be the first to tell you that A Beka curriculum is a workbook curriculum. I don't think it's the workbook of all workbooks because I haven't seen them all. I like ABeka because it's colorful. It's all laid out - and, well, It works for us. (We're using it for Phonics, math and writing) (though, we're gradually heading into copy work)
So when we have a gem that makes us laugh - we just soak it in.
Is it possible to soak in a gem?
I probably need a better comparison.
Since this made Mini-Me laugh - I deem it worthy of sharing.
From the ABeka "Handbook for Reading"
A title-less poem about water.
(partially written by John R. Crossland)
Water has no taste at all;
Water has no smell;
Water's in the waterfall,
In pump, and tap, and well.
I like it when I'm thirsty
I like it when I'm hot.
I like it when I'm dirty
(And even when I'm not).
I like the feel of water
Tickling my toes.
But I do not like water
When it gets in my nose!


Christa said...

THAT is a funny little poem. I'm glad you found it!

Jenn4Him said...

I agree. It is a funny little poem. I too use Abeka just for Language Arts and Math. My son fell in love with the dancing skunk on the cover of the 1st grade book and that is how we chose Abeka. (Scary, I know. You aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover.)
PS. I do like the new bling,bling

Anonymous said...

That's such a cute poem!! Yes, I've been frustated with HSblogger, too. But, I love my template so much(which was given to me by a friend), I can't leave! LOL Holly

TobyBo said...

Hi! I use some A Beka in my mix of things & like it... but I *loved* your comment about the bunnies as medics... with their little chocolate ears gone... LOL...

Anonymous said...

About the Peep jousting:
Thank you for my laugh of the day! My daughter was rolling on the floor in laughter as laughing tears rolled down my cheeks.
By the way,don't forget to sign your name when you comment! Luckily I knew Mini-Me and J-man belonged to you or I wouldn't know who to thank!
Peace and Laughter